Two Feathers Native American Family Services

Two Feathers Native American Family Services
Health and Wellness
Two Feathers-NAFS provides services to all eligible Native American families in Humboldt County; not just those who are members of Tribal nations. Two Feathers' mission is to promote the stability and security of Native families, and to protect the best interest of Indian children. We aim to serve those most in need with a strong focus on children and adolescents and violence prevention programming. We are committed to incorporating cultural traditions and principles that encourage a balance of emotional, mental, physical and spiritual health. We are dedicated to collaborating with both Indian and non-Indian agencies to achieve these goals and to honor the privacy of Indian families. Two Feathers-NAFS became a Tribal non-profit chartered under the federally recognized Big Lagoon Rancheria in 2002. Currently, Two Feathers has a team of mental health clinicians, substance abuse counselors, family and youth advocates, youth mentors, cultural coordinators, administrators and administrative assistants and project managers.