Northern California Safety Consortium, LLC

Northern California Safety Consortium, LLC
Assisting Humboldt County businesses with regulatory compliance services, including required training, consulting on compliance with Cal-OSHA regulations, policy development and assisting with citations.
Your Regulatory Compliance Ally. NCSC has provided consulting and training services for over 30 years, to assist businesses in complying with a variety of regulatory agencies, with a focus on Cal-OSHA compliance. Our staff consists of individuals with expertise in the areas of hazardous materials, construction safety, emergency response, general industry safety as well as other areas of regulatory compliance. We are proud to also be an authorized American Heart Association training center for over a quarter of a century - the only such training center open to the public within a 100 mile radius. In that capacity we assist employers who are required to train employees in CPR and First Aid. We offer classes also for the healthcare provider community, and the State DHHS required courses in Pediatric CPR and First Aid for daycare and preschool teachers. We have been active in assisting businesses complying with COVID 19 regulations, including the new Cal-OSHA standard.