Cal-Ore Life Flight

Cal-Ore Life Flight
Ambulance Service
Additional Info
Cal-Ore Life Flight/AirMedCare Network
Our Business Partners in Humboldt County
Running a business today is a challenge and hiring and keeping good employees is only a part of it. We know that employers are balancing budgets and employee benefits and want to help. AirMedCare Network partners with select businesses to offer their employees financial peace of mind as a thank-you for all their hard work and support of the business. With an Employer Paid-Group Full/Census Plan you can purchase the membership for your employees at a discounted rate. This allows your employee to recover without the financial worry of the cost of their flight.
Additionally, we offer a variety of membership products to provide your employees the financial protection they need.
AirMedCare Network (AMCN) – Emergent Air Ambulance:
AMCN providers respond to scene calls and provide hospital-to-hospital transports—carrying seriously ill or injured patients to the nearest appropriate medical facility. Expenses for emergency air medical transport can put stress on your finances. With an AMCN membership, you will have no out-of-pocket expenses only if flown by an AMCN provider.
Fly-U-Home – Non-Emergent Air Ambulance:
Fly-U-Home is a must-have membership for those traveling more frequently. Discounted rates are available for existing AMCN members, and it provides access to a fleet of medically equipped, private aircraft ready to transport you to your local hospital of choice, should you become hospitalized more than 150 nautical miles from home and, you will have no out-of-pocket expenses in relation to your flight. Fly-U-Home membership applies to the contiguous 48 states
AirMed International – Non-Emergent Air Ambulance:
If you’re interested in the Fly-U-Home membership, but looking for international coverage, the AirMed International membership is right for you. It provides access to a fleet of medically equipped, private aircraft ready to transport you to your local hospital of choice, should you become hospitalized more than 150 nautical miles from home, including international travel. With an AirMed International membership, you will have no out-of-pocket expenses in relation to your flight.
Annual Rates Emergency Air Ambulance:
3 – 149 Employees - $75/Household
150 – 499 Employees - $70/Household
Annual Rates Non-Emergency Air Ambulance:
Annual Rates AirMed International Air Ambulance:
Contact Jennifer Hart at 530-510-2915 or email for more information.